Thursday, November 11, 2010

White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts

You've got to hand it to the republicans.

They shovel the drench deeper, dig their heels in, and continue their corporate-funded rhetoric, no matter what the outcome. Their ignorance is resinating with masses of people


What would it be if, instead of caving in, the Democats did the same thing?

America's sorrow,

a stupid tea,

our bitter cup to drink.

While many hold the threadless thread,

and watch the country sink.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Elderly Mother, Son Found Dead In Their Burned, Foreclosed Family Home

Absolutely heartbreaking. An example of how desparate more and more people have become.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 36: Blaming The Unemployed

Dear Congressmen. Unemployment benefits that I used to get but don't any longer since you chose not to extend them, didn't afford me enough money to be a drug addict, although I have to say, considering the malice and ignorance we daily have to endure by your ridiculous comments makes drugs sound like a nice relaxing option. Unfortunately, the kids have to eat.

Oh, but that everyone of you could walk a mile in my shoes... Hope you enjoyed your July 4th barbeques.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 36: Blaming The Unemployed

Glad to see someone else remembers that. It was the beginning of the end for labor and labor unions. Reagan declared war on organized labor and all the rights that have been won by unions for all workers over the years have been steadily eroded. Instead of hating union workers, we should all fight for fair treatment, honest pay and benefits - especially in lieu of the obscene profits companies make as a result of our hard work.
About Careers
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alvin Greene Details Emerge, But Much Remains Murky About South Carolina Senate Candidate

How about a little investigative reporting about whether or not he was put up as a candidate? Everyone else is asking this question, but you didn't even mention the possiblity.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, July 2, 2010

Michael Steele Says Afghanistan Was 'War Of Obama's Choosing,' Not Something The U.S. 'Wanted To Engage In' (VIDEO)

Just when you thought that no one could top Dan Quale, Sarah Palin and Joe Barton. You can't make this stuff up.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What is Goldman Sachs Thinking?

Going after emerging markets is an excellent strategy after you've managed to single-handedly destroy all the existing ones. There is a special place in Hell awaiting GS.....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, June 14, 2010

Why the United States Still Can't Get BP to Do What's Necessary

Mr. Reich, you're dead on. Nothing short of a take over of assets will force BP to do what's necessary to end this catastrophe. Asking nicely is not going to do it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Obama To Demand BP Create Liability Account For Spill Claims

I totally agree, also with Robert Reich, nothing short of a takeover of BP will ensure that all their resources, both financial and technical, will be directed at the catastrophe they alone created. If the government can take over the financial giants, it can take over BP. They will never do it out of moral obligation - they're a dying animal trying to save itself anyway it can, at any expense.
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bernanke Predicts Continued Recovery, Not Double-Dip Recession, 'But It Won't Feel Terrific'

It "doesn't feel good": now. Recovery? Growth?

Well, hell, Ben, if you can still profess economic growth while maintaining 10% unemployment, uh, I think you people call that productivity(?) fine!

Keep killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Pretty soon you will have eliminated the middle class, then you won't have any poor souls to buy the consumer goods and borrow the money that keeps you guys in polo ponies.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Unemployment: U.S. Economy Added 431k Jobs In May, But Vast Majority Came From Census Hires

So true, as a technical contractor, I am blessed and fortunate to have achieved the following:
  1. I make 1/3 less the hourly wage I did as a full time employee,
  2. I have to cut in the agency, who tries to get my rate lower so their spread is higher.
  3. I have no benefits.
  4. I have no vacation time.
  5. I have to scare down new recruiters when the contract is over.
  6. I am lucky to get jobs that are many levels below my skill level.
  7. I am asked to do filing, which makes everyone happy.
  8. when the work at the contact location slacks off, I'm threatened with having the contract cancelled early.
And all this, yes, ALL THIS after 26 years of professional experience.
Isn't that special?
I know, it's hard to believe anyone could rise to such a level of accomplishment, but wait around, this could be you too, in a couple of years.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guatemala Sinkhole Is MASSIVE, Swallows Building (PICTURE)

I don't exactly know why, but I can't stop looking at this. I've had nightmares about falling down one of these.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Long-Term Unemployment: No Help For The 99ers

You know, they're right.

Unemployment insurance has made me lazy.

I 'm too lazy to make dentist appointments, buy my kids shoes, go to the doctor (I'm too lazy to buy my own medical insurance to the tune of $1,600 per month), too lazy to contribute to my no-longer-existant retirement account (I was motivated, however briefly, to cash out my 401k and pay 30% penalties in order to buy food, utilities), continue my son's music lessons, even though he's gifted, pay my mortgage - I could just go on forever.

Thank you, Senators, for this attitude correction.

Now I can continue to look for work that I know is not out there, and be grateful to you for setting me back on the right path. I can also keep on contributing to the broken, unjust economic and political system that caused me to be unemployed in the first place, but that's a minor detail.

God, our government is good!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

solvent devil

Rumors, fears and innuendos razed the mob mentality
stiffled laughter camouflaged the inaudible brutality

I wasn't involved with existent risk or capital adequacy
Rumors, fears and innuendos, razed the mob mentality,
stiffled laughter camouflaged the inaudible brutality.

It started as a crisis cause, up to the haircut level,
"my views are shadowed, dark and veiled", suggests the solvent devil
It lent the structured moral hazard a look of paltry calm,
the episode's untimely death destroyed the upturned palm.

I wasn't involved with existant risk or capital inadequacy,
but rather, liquid funding models of focused indelicacy
People will react with confidence to the test lab quality,
what happened next is compensation of increased acerbity.

Inherent hope in common good had promptly disappeared,.
and in it's place of prominence the rebel pilgrim cheered.
Tri-party, bell-shaped curve began the fast decline,
a topsy turvy market marker yields the black design

We began to see the desert tortoise struggle with the crows,
and men of crystal styrofoam reigned down the mighty blows.
Their over weighted shadows put skin into the game,
and tore it off the backs of those who bore the paper shame

The driest tinder penalized created opaque facts,
complexity in general as the enemy was backed,
men from mars were magnified illiquid weakness shown,
at one hundred thousand feet, the black mistakes were blown.

Systemic risk regulators feign interest in the terms,
they encourage bigger bread lines to share instrumental germs,
for access to the discount window is an argument secure,
So scared and bailed bazooka bears and women pale endure.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Timberwolf - a top priority,
growls and howls the sated song,
of lies, of foul, of wretched lives -
frisk, then risk the civil wrong,

Orange-yellow fundamental,
cries the lovely tennesee.
Span the world of poor wild bums
and spew green bile mandacity.

Broken hearted disrepair,
an obligation thunderclap.
Apple market's stomach bear,
has sparked an interest bishop's cap.

Reason known has reached its end.
Compassion died in forward march.
It left enslavement in it's path,
all lies mean false-diminished arch.

So crush the charts of mighty men,
their golden strategy's big red shorts.
Canaries hide in feeble hedges,
and wan, the news report.