Thursday, July 8, 2010

Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 36: Blaming The Unemployed

Dear Congressmen. Unemployment benefits that I used to get but don't any longer since you chose not to extend them, didn't afford me enough money to be a drug addict, although I have to say, considering the malice and ignorance we daily have to endure by your ridiculous comments makes drugs sound like a nice relaxing option. Unfortunately, the kids have to eat.

Oh, but that everyone of you could walk a mile in my shoes... Hope you enjoyed your July 4th barbeques.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 36: Blaming The Unemployed

Glad to see someone else remembers that. It was the beginning of the end for labor and labor unions. Reagan declared war on organized labor and all the rights that have been won by unions for all workers over the years have been steadily eroded. Instead of hating union workers, we should all fight for fair treatment, honest pay and benefits - especially in lieu of the obscene profits companies make as a result of our hard work.
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Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Alvin Greene Details Emerge, But Much Remains Murky About South Carolina Senate Candidate

How about a little investigative reporting about whether or not he was put up as a candidate? Everyone else is asking this question, but you didn't even mention the possiblity.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost